We had an enjoyable Christmas week featuring our usual celebrations: Christmas Eve with the B. side of the family and Christmas Day (which is also Granny G.'s birthday) with the G. clan. We were very happy to have Leif and Bjorn's Great-Grandma B. in town (visiting from Buffalo, NY) once again this year, as well as Great-Uncle Timo from northern Minnesota. Leif was not as excited as I thought he would be about opening presents, although after they were open he did have a great time playing with all his new toys, as well as some of Bjorn's. Bjorn was his usual charming and contented self throughout the festivities, despite the fact that all he got to eat while the rest of us were feasting for two days straight were some Baby Mum-Mum rice crackers and a couple bowls of *mouthwatering* baby food, spoon fed to him by yours truly. As for me, I learned how hard it is to remember (or find the time, or a free hand) to take many pictures or videos in the midst of the celebration with two youngsters to attend to!
Here are a couple pictures of the boys wearing their seasonal duds that I took during calmer moments at home, as well as two that my parents took during the Christmas Eve smorgasbord at their house. I'll try to do a better job as our family photodocumentarian next Christmas! (Or maybe I'll pass the baton to Aaron by then, since Santa brought him a new camera this year....)
Leif ~ 2 years, 10 months
Bjorn ~ 7 months
Leif, Aaron and Bjorn at the House of Brynolf on Christmas Eve
Amy getting Bjorn ready to enjoy his baby Christmas Eve smorgasbord