Friday, October 19, 2012

State Fair

It seems I still have some blogging about the summer to catch up on! It's hard to keep posts in order of when things actually happened when I have at least four different sources of material to work from (my camera, my phone, Aaron's phone, and our video camera), and we load the photos/videos from each source onto our computer irregularly and at different times. In any case, here's a photo to commemorate this year's Minnesota State Fair, which Leif attended not once but *twice* in its ten-day run.

After going the first time and getting a taste of what the Fair had to offer, Leif was very explicit about his goals for his second trip there with Aaron on Labor Day: "Leif DOESN'T want to see any animals. Leif wants to see CARS at State Fair!" (Trucks and tractors also made the cut.) Even now, in mid-October, Leif continues to request return trips to the State Fair, and we have to break the sad news to him again and again that the State Fair comes but once a year, and he has a long wait ahead of him before he can go and climb in all those cool vehicles again. Good thing there's the auto show in March to tide him over until then!

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