So there's this Sesame Street video called "Sleeping Beauty Dances" that features a character named Prince Cha-cha-cha-charming. Leif really likes this video and will occasionally exclaim with great gusto, totally out of the blue and just for the pleasure of saying it, "Cha-cha-cha-charMING!" It would of course be impolite of me not to reciprocate and say "Cha-cha-cha-charMING!" back to him with an equal (or as near to equal as I can muster) level of enthusiasm. As a result of Leif and me going around saying, "Cha-cha-cha-charMING!" to each other for no particular reason, Bjorn is focusing a surprising amount of energy for a 16-month-old with a tiny vocabulary on learning how to enunciate "cha cha cha!" He has also caught on to the fact that the phrase "cha cha cha" refers to dancing, so he will vigorously dance/stomp on the floor (or table, or couch) as he practices saying his cha-chas. This is, of course, extremely cute, and has led to me dubbing Bjorn "Little Cha-Cha." (Leif, by extension, is Big Cha-Cha.) Below is a photo of Little Cha-Cha practicing his moves on the coffee table. I'll try to catch it on video one of these days!
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