Sunday, February 2, 2014

Christmas / Gock's birthday

On December 25th, we had Gock and Grandpaw G. and Auntie Sarah over at our house for our traditional dual celebration of Christmas and Gock's birthday. A good time was had by all :-) .

Around 19 months, Bjorn was frequently extending both arms straight out backward like this (apparently just for the joy of it), looking like he was a little toddler rocket about to launch!

Also around this age, Bjorn was starting to get interested in demonstrating his taking-clothes-off-all-by-himself skills at random moments, such as in the middle of opening Christmas presents

Auntie Sarah brought a memorable doggie-themed cake for Gock's birthday

Leif is always in a good mood when there is "Happy Birthday" to be sung, candles to be blown out (a service he will happily provide on anyone's birthday, not just his own), and cake to be eaten!

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