Saturday, July 28, 2012

Leif's projects

Leif has embarked on several important projects projects around the house lately that we were less than thrilled about, but they bring him such joy it's hard to resist letting him give them a try.

Project #1: Drop as many toys as possible behind the fireplace doors.

Our gas fireplace is totally disconnected right now (we figure we'll just leave it off until Bjorn is 7 or so!). We had attempted to secure the metal doors by wiring them shut at the bottom and duct taping them together at the top so Leif would not be constantly opening and closing them, but he eventually worked the duct tape off and then found it was the perfect small space into which to cram a surprisingly large number of blocks, puzzle pieces, and stuffed animals.

Project #2: Remove curtain rods from dining room windows.

Soon after Leif grew tall enough to easily climb up on the window seat in the dining room, he discovered he could pull down the tension rods that hold up the curtains without much trouble. The other day, he took this recurrent project a step further and decided the REALLY interesting part would be to completely disassemble the curtain rods after he had them down. Hmm...maybe time for us to finally install those shutters we've been talking about ever since we moved into the house!

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