Thursday, November 22, 2012


We enjoyed a delicious, low-key Thanksgiving celebration over at the House of Brynolf with Grandma and Grandpa B., Auntie Mirja, Erik, Tami, and Vivian, as well as Grandpaw G. and special guest Agnars (a good college friend of Grandpa B.). Gock and Auntie Sarah were out of town, logging a half marathon in Atlanta on Thanksgiving morning before driving up to Aiken to spend the weekend with Jessica and family.

I took advantage of Bjorn's good mood (exceptionally good, even for Mr. Perpetually Cheerful) before the Thanksgiving feast to pass him around for a round-robin photo op.

Aaron did also manage to snap a couple of pics with Leif in them earlier in the day. They capture the spirit of the moment, if nothing else!

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